Art Factory Event Flyer

Over the last week I’ve learned a lot working on these exercises. For me they’ve reinforced the value of formal training, even for artists. Natural talent in one medium doesn't automatically translate to proficiency in another, such as graphic design. Which leads me to my next project.

This flyer landed in my inbox, and I knew right away I wanted to work on it. I totally get that art programs like the Manassas Art Factory may depend largely on volunteers for their marketing, which can make consistent branding a bit tricky. But, if they had a branded Adobe Express or Canva account with their colors, fonts, and some handy templates, I think their marketing would really shine.



My design choices prioritized color and typography, while maintaining brand recognition. The original's varied colors and fonts, especially in the background image, created visual clutter. While the image's necessity is debatable, access to it would have allowed me to evaluate its ability to convey the event's casual atmosphere.



When I see bulletin boards in places like the library, filled with diverse flyers, I often notice how difficult it can be to quickly identify events from specific institutions. I believe that providing them with branded templates and consistently sharing well-branded flyers would significantly improve their visibility on local event boards.


Instagram Reel Safe Zones


Candle Label Redesign